Logotipo de Little Tomato Invaders

These little mischief-makers are experts in the art of imitation thanks to their extraordinary ability to spontaneously change appearance and mutate adopting the personality and traits of whoever is next to them. For centuries, they have been impersonating countless human beings in a slow but continuous gastronomic invasion.

Get your little tomato

OpenSea logo

With the acquisition of each Little Tomato you contribute to enlarge your NFT collection and improve your health thanks to the fact that they are rich in fiber, minerals such as potassium and selenium, vitamins B, C, provitamin A, and antioxidants, although they are most likely to try to become a carbon copy of you and even impersonate you.

Create your little tomato

There’s no need to worry about that because we can try and persuade Little Tomato to only imitate whoever you decide. Make your request and tell us who you’d like your Little Tomato to be and within a few hours we’ll send you confirmation that we’ve been able to convince him to mutate into your chosen NFT character.

Fill in the following form and we will study your case, they are extremely stubborn and it is not easy to talk to them*.

*Only those requests that are based on eligibility criteria such as very distinctive traits of the character will be attended. If Little Tomato agrees to your request we will contact you with more details. Customizing a Little Tomato costs 0.45 ETH

The artist

Andrés Hurtado

The Little Tomatoes are irreverent and somewhat evil, but above all very, very funny, they are also unique and unrepeatable because they have been created by Andrés Hurtado by hand one by one with the help of HI (Human Intelligence) and a lot of effort, without algorithms of any kind, which makes them even more unique and extraordinary.


BatomatoCreation of the first 100 Little Tomatoes by hand one by one with great care.
White Cloud TomatoPromotional campaign on social networks with short and fun videos created specifically.
Napoleon TomatoCreation of a web page for the Little Tomato collection.
Lennon TomatoActivation of the personalized requests service for the creation of new Little Tomatoes.
Sr. Little TomatoWorldwide launch of the collection with the first 100 Little Tomatoes.
Hittler TomatoLaunch of the Fucking Bastard Tomato solidarity auction for various humanitarian aid NGOs. Nobody wants this undesirable bastard son of a bitch, not even for free, that’s why we are going to break the rules and allocate the amount of his sale to humanitarian aid and human rights NGOs. He never did anything good for anyone, but we can do it. Bid, bid, damn!!!
Next roadmapWe will be adding the new Little Tomatoes to the collection, "The Second Invasion" as commission requests are completed. These new Little Tomato will carry an identifying badge as a special character.